The Last Shadow Warrior

“Hope for the best, but prepare for battle.”

Abby Beckett comes from a long line of Viking Warriors, known as the Aesir. It’s her life goal, to hunt the monsters known as Grendels just as her mother did before she died.

However, there are two problems. No one has seen a Grendel in centuries, and the Viking Elders want to disband the Aesir.

After her home is mysteriously attacked, Abby must take refuge in Vale Hall, a mysterious school in Minnesota. When she tries to warn the Elders that a Grendel is after her, they accuse her of making up stories- and claim her mother did the same.

To protect her family and clear her mother’s name, Abby goes on a perilous adventure to discover the truth. However, time is running out and she realises that someone is trying to stop her… and destroy the Aesir’s forever.

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The Last Shadow Warrior

Sam Subity

Scholastic Press

308 Pages

The theme of this book involves trying to live up to other people’s expectations.

This book is set in a mostly modern world, with the well-kept secret of magic. The world is a creative mix of the real world, Vikings of the past, and some Norse Mythology.

The characters are well-written, and seem realistic. They have their own unique quirks and help keep the book from being entirely fights or action scenes.

This book contains mentions of violence and the use of weapons.

I enjoyed the creative mix between the past and present, including parts of mythology. The characters are also well written and unique, and their character development balances out the action scenes. The conflict and antagonists were also creative, the reader learning about new secrets and plot twists with the main character.

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