
“But what makes this story different from any you ever read is that the one who is murdered is- ME.”

Though Mary’s father is a vet, he cannot save her beloved cat, Thomasina, and instead puts her down. Mary, devastated and furious with her father, falls dangerously ill herself. 

In a glen nearby lives Lori, an eccentric woman rumored to be a witch. Can Lori’s supposed healing powers be enough to save Mary… and Thomasina?

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Paul Gallico

Harper Collins

349 Pages

The theme of this book is death and dealing with grief.

This book is set in a fictional town called Inveranoch. It mainly takes place in the Ruadh’s house, though it also travels to a veterinary clinic and a glen. 

The POV switches around in this book, primarily focusing on Thomasina, Lori, Mr. MacDhui, and Mary. Thomasina is a ginger cat who belongs to Mary Ruadh, the daughter of Mr. MacDhui. Although Mr. MacDhui is a vet, he shares no love for animals. Lori, on the other hand, lives alone in the glen where she cares for wild animals that need it. Thomasina is the main character, and is incredibly loyal to Mary Ruadh. Though she is a cat, she willingly participates in things she may not want to do. Thomasina puts up with being carried and pretending to have tea with Mary. She is brave and intelligent, though is passive-aggressive when it comes to Mr. MacDhui.

This book contains mentions of illness and death.

This book was enjoyable to read, with its unique twist and the way it incorporates aspects of Egyptian mythology. I appreciated being able to read from the point of view of a cat, but also enjoyed seeing it through other perspectives. It heavily involves religious aspects, such as praying at dinner, and Mr. MacDhui’s discussions with Pastor Petty. MacDhui starts off not believing in god, though he begins to question this belief when he meets Lori, who believes in all manner of spirits. 

People who enjoyed this book may also enjoy The Nine Lives of Jacob Tibbs, another book from the point of view of a cat.


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