J.R Silver Writes Her World

“...Someone noticed you have something to say, but you’re struggling to say it.” 

For J.R Silver, sixth grade starts off rough. Violet, her best friend, comes back from camp with a new best friend. Her parents refuse to give her more independence. To top things off, her new homeroom teacher is keeping secrets.

When her teacher shows them a collection of Gothamite magazine covers and instructs her students to write short stories inspired by them, J.R finds something interesting.

The stories she writes come true.

Not long after she discovered this power, J.R realises that the stories cause just as many conflicts as they do solutions.

But will it be enough to help her get her best friend back?

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J.R Silver Writes Her World

Melissa Dassori

Publisher: Little, Brown

254 Pages

The theme of this book is about friendship, and being able to talk to other people about problems.

The story is set in modern day, though there is some magic in the book. The main character is just starting sixth-grade, and some of the conflicts seem reasonable. While there are times when the main character seems selfish, they become more generous over the course of the story. 

There is some romance in the story, including the main character having a crush on another. 

I enjoyed reading how these two friends reconcile, and I believe it shows the importance of talking about problems and conflicts with the other person. I found the main character to be slightly annoying at times during the beginning, but was glad to see the character development turn her into someone more likeable.

People who enjoyed reading J.R Silver Writes Her World may also like The Revenge of Magic, another story set in modern day with a touch of magic.


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